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Good morning, Donna…

Good morning, Donna…

THIS UPDATE WAS SHOT ON DONNA DAY 3 (MAY 5th) This is not going so well… Donna hasn’t done much else than sleeping until late in the afternoon, taking showers very often (she says she needs it to keep clean), and NOT talking to us much. She is very silent, and she looks angry, but won’t tell us what the problem is. We know the belt is chafing her skin, and we have to admit it is tight. Toilet visits seem to be no problem...

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Donna’s belting

Donna’s belting

THIS UPDATE WAS SHOT ON DONNA DAY 1 (MAY 2nd) Donna arrived in Amsterdam 2 days ago!! Even though she had visited Holland before (and met us to get measured), she was so nervous you will not believe it! But there was no time to waste on long conversations, we wanted to get her into her belt as soon as possible, to make her fulfill her end of the deal for the maximum amount of time. We took her to the apartment she can stay in for 1 month,...

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