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Donna – growing restless

Donna – growing restless

It is about time to let Donna go, as hard as it might be. Over the past week, she could be seen packing and repacking her little red suitcase, doing her laundry, and messaging Italian friends and family members. Donna will definitely fly home soon, leaving the belt behind (believe me, I tried). I have to say she did exceed all expectations I ever had of a girl wearing a chastity belt. She made it to over FIVE times the initial contract...

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Natalia Forrest – plugged – morning

Natalia Forrest – plugged – morning

The next day, Natalia was determined to go outside, even though she was wearing a tight chastity belt with vaginal plug and an even tighter chastity bra. She went to get some jeans, but they were so tight that she couldn’t get them over the belt (the anal opening is wide on a rigid style belt, spreading the ass cheeks). Also, bending over and trying to lift one leg to get into the jeans jammed the plug even deeper inside her. She was...

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Hannah Claydon – back for more

Hannah Claydon – back for more

One of the most frequent member requests was to get Hannah Claydon back for a Chastity Deal. Unfortunately, that is really really hard since she is a very popular model (very busy with shoots and television work), and she is a little reluctant because she really does not like chastity belts at all. After a lot of emailing and discussion, I managed to get her back in the studio where I intended to lock her up for 24 hours. Unlike other...

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Natalia Forrest – plugged – bed time

Natalia Forrest – plugged – bed time

Other than Donna, no one has ever attempted a Plugged night. We all remember that Donna did not sleep at all, so Natalia was in for a tough night! Well, a 48-hour Chastity Deal should at least have an attempt to go to bed, but the Deal is short enough to go without any sleep if things don’t work out. Natalia had to keep a steel plug locked inside her chastity belt without breaks for 48 hours straight to get her cash. And there’s...

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Donna – autumn sun

Donna – autumn sun

Well, I don’t see Donna much these days, maybe twice a week (once for Sunday cleaning break and maybe once more to bring some stuff to the apartment). The keys to her belt are still in my possession, but we both forget about her situation a lot of the time! Last week I couldn’t even find the keys for her cleaning break! That would have been a great update! :) I’m not sure what Donna is planning, she has her own life in...

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Natalia Forrest plugged – looking at the site

Natalia Forrest plugged – looking at the site

Natalia Forrest was doing so well, imagine walking around with a steel plug inside you for 48 hours! I was following her around with a camera, when she suddenly decided to check out this website on her computer! ‘So… let’s see what everyone is saying about me…’, she said. She quickly found herself on the Babes page, and started reading. She had mixed feelings, looking at herself going through the incredible...

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Natalia Forrest plugged – toilet

Natalia Forrest plugged – toilet

Today you will find out if you were right, voting in this poll! Later in the evening, Natalia called me. She was angry, and told me where I could stuff my belt, bra, and cameras (the sun doesn’t shine there). She needed to go to the toilet very bad, and she told me to come over right away to unlock the belt and take out the plug! When I arrived about 10 minutes later, she had already calmed down a bit. I managed to convince her to...

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Natalia Forrest plugged – kitchen

Natalia Forrest plugged – kitchen

Almost 90% of you are sure a girl can be plugged for 48 hours. Look at the poll here! There’s not much explanation in the comments though, please tell everyone why you think it should work! I actually left Natalia’s house right after she belted herself. She was locked in a rigid style chastity belt, with a slotted secondary shield that held a 4 ball stainless plug! A tight chastity bra was also added, although not really...

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Natalie’s sleep attempt

Natalie’s sleep attempt

With her last remaining strength, Natalie managed to climb the stairs to her bedroom and roll into bed. Walking bow legged for a day wasn’t even the worst part, she thought! The worst part was definitely having her wrists restrained to her belt, and the tight chastity bra wasn’t helping either. Still, the whole setup was effective, because Natalie didn’t think about sex or pleasure even once during her Chastity Deal! She...

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Natalie webcamming

Natalie webcamming

There were only 2 things to do for Natalie before I would let her out: her regular job (webcamming) and trying to sleep (not on the couch but upstairs in her bed). Natalie was getting a bit grumpy from all the metal, and the chains connecting her ankles and wrists, so she decided to do the shortest webcam session in her career. She went online (as ‘sexy blondy’) on her usual cam site, and I guess her usual fans were stunned! I...

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Donna – memory lane

Donna – memory lane

Donna hasn’t left my apartment yet, even though she expressed a desire to go home in her 100 days report. She is still happy and belted, and she continues to amaze me every day. I have never actually seen anyone wear a chastity belt for this long (where I could truly verify it), but I am holding her keys and supervising her breaks. It is really a dream come true for me. And Donna is so cheerful lately! Last weekend, when the weather...

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‘Come back here right now!’

‘Come back here right now!’

Why do I always leave after locking the girls into so much metal!! I really love to see girls in chastity, but it is better to leave them to see how they move in their natural environment. In this case, however, it would have been better if I had stayed. Natalie was all cuffed and chained, so it was quite dangerous for her to move about her house. Especially when she went to get a drink in her basement, she almost fell down the stairs!...

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Donna – 100 days report

Donna – 100 days report

This is it, if you haven’t joined the website until now, NOW is the time to do so. You will never see such a heartfelt report again. This is Donna’s 100 day report, in which she answers all of the questions you have been asking, reflects on her future, and really speaks her mind about the reality of being in a chastity belt. 100 days! I never thought she would do it, but after the initial Chastity Deal of 30 days, she was...

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Home Deal – the first hour

Home Deal – the first hour

My good friend Natalie is probably one of the few Dutch girls that are really up for anything. She is very open minded, does a lot of nude modelling and webcamming, and she doesn’t mind to be watched or filmed. They say the first hour is always the hardest. After I left her in the most extreme full chastity to date (chained wrists and ankles, thigh spreader bar, plus the usual full chastity gear), Natalie tried to settle down on her...

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Home Deal – thigh spreader bar

Home Deal – thigh spreader bar

This is a member website, and I really appreciate the support you are giving me by joining as a member! One of the benefits of joining is the opportunity to send in member requests for the upcoming shoots. One of your member requests was quite a hard one to fulfill: you wanted to see a girl in full chastity with a small spreader bar between her thigh bands. She should then remain in this gear for at least one day. Once I figured out how to...

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Amarantha unbelted!

Amarantha unbelted!

Yes, you finally let her out of the belt!! It is unbelievable in many ways! An interesting social experiment, in which I included non-members on purpose. With members only, Amarantha would have probably been out sooner. But voting as a visitor, in complete anonymity, brought out the evil side in many of you. For a while, I thought Amarantha would be locked for life, but as through some miracle, her quirky video reports got a big anonymous...

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Thursday report

Thursday report

Another report from work! This time, Amarantha is on the toilet, where she takes the opportunity to answer a few of your questions. A popular question is ‘how do you go to the toilet in a chastity belt?’. Amarantha really takes her time to show you all the belt’s details. My-Steel has put a lot of thought into this. Just like Donna, Amarantha is locked into her very own custom made chastity belt. Everything lines up...

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Donna fan photo shoot

Donna fan photo shoot

With the last 8 (!) updates being about Amarantha LaBlanche, you’d almost forget there’s a cute girl from Italy locked in her very own red My-Steel chastity belt, living her quiet life in Amsterdam. Almost! Because many of you have been asking about her, and she is very happy to hear that! I am working on giving Donna her own blog because it is getting so busy on this website that we hardly have time to check in with her, and...

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Tuesday report

Tuesday report

Amarantha is working late every day now, since she can not get a lot of sleep and her boss agreed that she will come in later. The advantage is that she can record her report at the office, because everyone already left. She just sent this video to me, and she asked me to publish it immediately! I wonder why ;) Amarantha thinks it is pretty exciting to show you the belt while she is at her place of work! She is wearing a brand new dress,...

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Monday report

Monday report

Here’s Amarantha’s new report for today! Funny, the frequency of reports is increasing now. She must have something urgent to say to you! Amarantha does have a regular job like everyone else, she is a social worker and she has meetings and all the other boring job requirements that working people have. Taking a break, outside on a park bench, Amarantha reports on her status. She now seems really torn between wanting to be...

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In the car

In the car

Yep, Amarantha almost did it! She almost got out after only 6 days in the belt, because she did a semi-fake self pity morning report! Please keep the following things in mind: this is Amarantha’s OWN My-Steel chastity belt, people don’t order a 700 euro belt if they are not into this fetish. Amarantha does have lots of chastity experience, she has been featured on websites like many times (locked in a chastity...

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Good morning Amarantha!

Good morning Amarantha!

This report by Amarantha scared me a little, but I think it is just because she is definitely not a morning person! She still doesn’t sleep very well, and if she does, she falls asleep in the strangest places! In this update, you will hear how much the belt affects her life: Amarantha had an argument with her boyfriend (about making this Deal), she is thinking about calling in sick for work, and she is not really thinking straight...

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Amarantha’s first report

Amarantha’s first report

Yesterday, I received Amarantha’s first self shot video report. She appears to be in a toilet (at work), where she tells you about her first night, toilet visits, skin discomforts, and more! She really wonders what she got herself into, because it’s only the first day and you will certainly not let her out right now… Even so, she pleads to be released soon (using the word ‘please’ about 500 times in this...

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Keyholding for Amarantha LaBlanche!

Keyholding for Amarantha LaBlanche!

One of the most well known chastity babes on the internet is from my country: The Netherlands. You have undoubtedly seen fetish model Amarantha LaBlanche wearing a chastity belt on many other websites. She actually owns a custom made hip-style My-Steel belt, and has always been one of my favorite models. She is so real, and REALLY into the lifestyle! You can imagine my excitement when she wrote me, asking for help. Amarantha told me she had...

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