Another girl from the UK who wanted to do a Casting to see if you like her for future chastity adventures (please comment, otherwise I can’t find out which Casting girls you like!!). Nicky was very shy, so she did not want to speak on camera, but she is very cute and she has an amazing body!
She is tall, and the new Access Denied chastity belt fit her very well (snug and tight). I laid out a much bigger collar than usual, to see her reaction, and Nicky was very unsure about these metal things she was going to lock herself into. Because this was a self belting Casting. I love seeing girls lock themselves up, giving me the keys, although it is often very hard for them to figure out how this stuff works. After all, they have never done this before (or even seen this gear before).
Nicky was a quick learner, she needed a bit of help with the locking of her collar, but she managed to get herself into the Access Denied all by herself. Getting the key out is tricky, but of course I was glad to take the key away from her. She looks absolutely stunning in her flowing dress with and the big collar! Such a great body to be belted, she should have come to do a Casting sooner!
Today, Nicky is joining the elite ranks of Chastity Babes. She will be at the bottom if she only does this Casting, so I hope you like her. Because next time she is in Holland I may invite her over to the apartment for a weekend… or more!

12 comment(s) to “Nicky – Casting – self belting”
Wow! I love this girl
I say get her back, the more the merrier, am I right?
Well, she really has a great body but why do more and more girls have to destroy this positive impression and their beauty with this awful ink under their skin?
I totally prefer non-inked beauties.
Your new model definitely shows the advantages of a loose summer dress.
Mmmm… delicious. I’d love to see her back, for a 30 day deal, full uniform.
YES!!! I want to see Nicky in the apartment for a weekend, or better a week or month.
Would love to see more girls from the United States. Vanessa Lane in particular!
A cute girl, and good fit!
No reason to feel shy, she can feel proud how she looks and has every reason to feel confident on her body.
From her looks I would like to see her again, however, I prefer more girls that speak..
I like this belt on her, and the collar as well.
I think she should do a deal for at least one week wearing both the belt and the collar.
And don’t forget the nice shiny steel locked bra. She must be in it all the time, same as for the belt.
I definitely would like to see more of her. She has a lovely face and some submissive attitude. One of your greatest models since a long time. Please try to get her back for more (longer) sessions. Seeing her (fully) plugged would be a dream..
Love to see the CB bra as well.