Local girl Marloes obtained a chastity belt from me quite a while ago, and she has been experimenting with it ever since. Her boyfriend Stefan has been trying to get her to wear the belt for more than a day, but their attempts always failed. It’s a nice fantasy, but when you want some quality intimate time with eachother, the belt will be off in no time. And you’ll be disappointed afterwards, that you didn’t even last 24 hours.
So brave Marloes decided to sign herself up for a Chastity Deal of 30 days, where I would hold her keys for her (because Stefan would let her out too soon). She just thought such a Deal wouldn’t be fair if Stefan could touch himself and she couldn’t. Marloes asked if it was possible for her boyfriend to be belted too. I answered them that it would be possible, there are male versions of her belt, but since Stefan did not have any experience it would be quite harsh to lock him up for 30 days without having time to get used to the belt.
Marloes was very excited to hear that! She is cute but evil! And so here they are, in my studio, signing their contracts. They will get cash if they BOTH make it, I will hold the keys, and they will have to come to the studio for their supervised cleaning breaks. No cheating. No touching. Well… not down there. This will be such an interesting experiment. The first few days will probably be easy and a little uncomfortable, but as time goes on, there will definitely be difficult times as they spend 30 nights together, cuddling, caressing, but not being able to do more. Frustration!
They are fully committed to making it, and they see it as a really great test for their relationship before they will get married. I’m excited too, to be able to show you the first real Couple Deal on ChastityBabes.com! Would you go this far for (and with) your partner??

52 comment(s) to “Couple Deal!”
Great deal. I’m very interested to see how it plays out :)
Webmaster, I love you!
This is a great experiment. Love it! Curious how this will work out and if items will be added later during that 30 days. Bra for both would be fun ;-).
Hope both will make it that 30 days (at least). Wish them luck and a happy and interesting life.
I haven’t seen the contract but its sounding like Misha and Paul again
I am not sure how I feel about this, I am not really male chastity and there are other pages on the web for that sort of thing however I understand that people may want a change from the normal state of affairs.
great deal!
i would join this one without a question. i own a latowski belt and my girlfriend a mysteel. still she does not wear it and i am doing it occasionally by myself…
would love to have such a deal with her to earn some cash… but think it may be hard to convince her
GREAT idea!
I would sign up too. If only I’d have a girlfriend who is interested in chastity.
How hard is it to find a girl who’s into chastity? And even with one: It’s hard to sign up when you live in California on the other side of the globe.
Even so: My ball trap device is a rip off, I could try to find a bigger cage and some anti-pull-out measures but fitting it securely comfortably and safely is a real challenge.
My main problem is fitting but I don’t think I can wait around forever in chastity, Maybe if I was in that kind of a relationship.
Oh and when this stuff is a fetish that gets your engine running, Who would want to throw all that time away? Also: When there’s no backing out and your a prisoner of the belt for the better as well as the worse, it really go’s to your head, doesn’t it?
A great update.
The male CB aspect is not my personal preference, but it is good to show bondage for a wider audience. Perhaps this coming (or “not coming”) month will enable some out-doors pictures to be taken, showing the outwardly “vanilla” couple walking out and about.
The male will be able to show how invisible his belt is under various pairs of trousers, as might his lady (she can also model skirts of course, whilst she remains totally demure out in the open). Then back to the studio for a progressive reveal of their CBs.
A good development for this website, but please remember that the overall title of this website is Chastity BABES”.
Webmaster, do you have an upper age limit for your “babes”?
For the male belt is there a difference between the ones that have the penis tube on the outside vs the inside?
Yes. Besides the fact that you have just mentioned the difference, the ones with a tube on the inside are more used for feminization fantasies.
And most importantly, security! It is much much harder to pull out from a belt that has the tube inside.
Both types have advantages and disadvantages.
“Flat Front” Chastity belts with an inlaying penis tube behind the front shield tend to be less comfortable that the “Protruding Penis Tube” type because the tube is forcing the penis down in a steep angle between the legs. Peeing is possible only seated, like a woman. Flat-front belts have an advantage on clothing because the penis won’t bugle skinny jeans.
Chastity belts with the penis tube protruding, the cage is gently curved down out to the front are extremely comfortable as the penis is resting inside the tube in a very natural position. However, the steel penis tube sticking out is prone to bumping on it and will bulge skinny jeans. Nothing to attract attention, but the bulge is visible as if you’re permanently semi-hard…
Some models of the protruding penis tube, a hollow urethra insert can be screwed inside the penis tube allowing the wearer to pee through the pipe standing up like a man.
Im currently locked up in the newer hip version of that exact belt he is wearing, so im going to wish him all the best of luck, but knowing the amount of discomfort and adjustment it took til this belt became wearable overnight, I can’t see him making the full duration. Morning erections are the worst and very painful.
More painful then with a ball trap device?
Do you have a link to the hip version!
This is a refreshing change to the site, however as commented before it is chastity babes not chastity dudes.
I will be absolutely amazed if this deal lasts its full duration! I think webmaster will keep his money!
Good luck to him, but having never worn a belt, trying for 30 days without cleaning break is impossible I think. For him, this challenge is probably on a par with a female chastity ‘virgin’ being plugged and belted or 30 days, without break. Impossible, if not dangerous.
3rd paragraph down, “they will have to come to the studio for their supervised cleaning breaks”
Indeed. As hard a time Natalia had with the plug over a weekend; anyone who’s brain chemistry is balanced with regular orgasms is going to be in a living hell. Seeing someone loos her virginity that way would be a sight to see.
That thought has crossed my mind before, but I meant a virgin to wearing a chastity belt.
I must not speed read the description in future! Even with the breaks, this deal won’t last until the end, but it will be fun to see….
Ah now I see what you mean. Yes it would be too much for this couple new to chastity, but plugging the both of them would be a way to spice it up. Obviously he could only take the one but she would have more options.
There are challenges.
There are difficult challenges.
Then there’s just plain crazy. :)
If she’s never worn it for 24hrs they are essentially both first timers.
First time a weekend, sure. A week, ouch but OK.
But 30 days, that’s just plain crazy. :)
This should be good. :D
I thought the same thing.
Donna is an exception to the rule. It also helped that she went to bed alone.
It’s different when you pull close together under the covers…
A little bit of cuddling…nuzzling…
A kiss…….then more…
More passionate now… hands searching, caressing…
Everything faster now, a longing, a need, a rapidly building crescendo….
Bodies writhing, hands groping, kisses screaming with desire….
Then……. :D
I have to be honest, I thought there might have been a few interesting responses to the
Then…… :D, part mentioned above. Obviously frustration but…
Maybe a cold shower?
Some fresh air?
An irrational urge to purchase a Dremel?
Some whipped cream, no wait, that’s going to help me not them. :)
Maybe some massage oil. Just rub it on each other where the belt touches, then just slide a lit….
Oh no, I think we’re making it worse..
I hope! ;)
Your so evil SP! As for the message oil: Oils and creams are helpful when wearing a belt for extended periods. Also: some couples can still be therapeutic to one-another or even romantic while still refraining from having intercourse. That’s part how this couple is testing the strength of their relationship.
Why not couples? Whats wrong with that loophole? and how many times have we suggested it?
Even if Hetero’s don’t work out. there’s already a bunch of lesbian updates. But I’m fine with Hetero’s too
I have the same belt as him.i I have been trying it out for myself to be locked as long as I can . I don’t have anyone to hold the key for me so the most amount of time I have done by myself has been 23 days I wish them both all the luck in the world. And hope that one day I can also do a deal for a week or two maybe with other gear on top
Thanks wendy 23 days was as long as I was able to do. But I hope to try again this year when I get home in to the uk mid JULYand may be this time I can wear longer. But at the moment I still hold the key. I am not to sure if to wear the belt when I go and have a full body massage
Honestly, if I wanted to see chastity dudes I’d be subscribing to http://www.chastitydudes.com, not https://www.chastitybabes.com.
Their a couple. there’s a loophole there: unless you’d rather subscribe to chastitylesbians.com
If this deal is not your cup of tea, hang in there.
There are things coming that most certainly are.
Most certainly! :)
IMO having a couple both belted is ace. They should sleep together of course……
Well Greatcornbow;
This could give you some impetus to produce a next chapter in “the dum casts mortgage” – which caught my wife’s attention some years ago when she first started exploring female chastity belts.
The story did rather leave our young couple “all locked up with nowhere to go”.
Another chapter, perhaps, given the sacrifice which Marloes and Stefan have made on this website?
Yes I must get around to it sometime. Thing is: the altairboy site is fast becoming defunct.
how do I get a belt like that (his), how can I be belted!
I sell them here: http://www.steelbound.co.uk/fully-adjustable-rigid-male-chastity-belt/ (email me for a discount)
I’d love to test it out for you! Or the feminized version, wish I was closer and not in a different continent.
Hello Webmaster,
i like the idea of having both of them chaste.
This is a good and new story, might be great so see more of this.
I know that the page is called “chastity babes”, but having deals with males wearing neosteel or my-steel belts would be nice. No ball trapped devices please.
Does your double locking chain style design come with a penis tube or is the shield too far below the groin?
It’s just a GREAT idea! You could offer a short paid holiday in Amsterdam (accommodation in the apartment + food + some cash for tourist activities) for young couples of lovers who accept to be belted during the whole of their stay… it would be great to see them unable to go beyond cuddling and petting for several frustrating days and nights in a row!
I am very disappointed with this update. This site is dedicated to females in chastity belts. The frustration with the females in chastity belts fetish is that the content out there is heavily geared to the male side of the spectrum. This is the only site out there that is dedicated to the female side. If you want to have males in chastity and diversify, make another website and put content on there. But please, keep this females only.
Couples chastity is just a loophole here Keyholder. This site has a wide variety of fans of both genders, sexual preference and races both ethnic and gender. Some of us like to look at the beautiful girls in metal, while other female members even want to do a shoot of their own.
The webmaster gets tons of requests and applications for modeling and He’s said time and again that he’s trying to satisfy all of the members and I add that he can only do this if we’re just a little tolerant each others requests.
We all visit this website to learn many different aspects about chastity and it’s many impact’s on all of humanity.
In short. just be patient. there’s plenty of content on this website for all members
I think I will make a male chastity site in the future, there are so many requests for it. However, this is Marloes’ Chastity Deal. I agree, it is different, but they are a couple, it’s not a male Chastity Deal.
Wouldn´t it be nice to follow them for a candlelight dinner during their lockup, just the knowing that you can see all the romance in their way of behaving and knowing that the finish would be restricted when coming home ;-)
Good idea Ingemar Isn’t that what this series is about, the romance?
What kind of belt does he wear?
Where can i get
You can get it here: http://www.steelbound.co.uk/category/chastity-devices-male/
We are a married spanish couple who would love to sign up for a chastity challenge like this. The problem is we don´t own a chastity belt. It would be fun you lock us up. Due to our jobs we can´t spend there more than 2 or 3 days… but if you come to Spain sometime you could lock us up and then go back to Holand with our keys: we would remain locked until your return to Spain no matter what.
Brilliant idea. Maybe you in comptition with the Dutch couple – see who can hold out the longer?