The Breakdown story has ended with the girls waiting for their keys, all alone in the old creepy house. It was fun to shoot this fantasy update with 3 of the internet’s hottest glamour girls! They were really patient, even though they had to spend a day and a half in a full chastity outfit. Not one of them complained… quite the opposite: they had huge fun. It would be a shame not to show you some of that, so here is a glimpse behind the scenes of the Breakdown production!
When the girls spotted the billiards table they just had to poke a few balls around, even though none of them knew any billiards rules. These girls are always having fun, and when they found a radio, they got even more crazy. Have you ever seen girls dance, laugh, play billiards and chat happily while wearing full chastity outfits? They can not even walk properly with their thighs padlocked together, but they don’t care, they can still dance and sing! Don’t miss this unique video clip!
Part 1 of the story was definitely the best part, but this scene is close! It is different, there’s no acting, it is just three gorgeous girls in chastity belts, chastity bras, and thigh bands, on a break from shooting. Yes, we have a very hard job over here ;-) But don’t be jealous, we might just have some job openings coming up soon if this website keeps growing! Mention any useful skills below and you might witness the next full chastity party live on set!

8 comment(s) to “Breakdown! – behind the scenes”
What a great update !!!
Seeing those girls with their smiles and happiness make me think i will love my future outfit!!!
I am sure you will :)
so why don’t the both of you make the rest of us ‘smile and love your future outfits’ too…
would like to see more chapters of “Breakdown!”
I am a professional locksmith with experience in this special field of security. Feel free to contact. Good luck with this great website!!
Got any openings for cameramen?
Wouldn’t it be nice if more of the regulars could have a little party, group photo and all?
With the members?